For this week's Illustration Friday - Flawed I focused on how easy it is to be distracted by the interweb. These days my weakness is facebook scrabble... yours?
To make the image I combined a few sketches and added color in photoshop.
The fighting in Gaza is heavy on my mind this week. The history and complexity of the region is daunting and i realize this is just one of myriad perspectives. Illustration Friday's topic this week is "contained" and i wanted to explore the plight of the Palestinians civilians trapped in Gaza - surrounded by Israel and enduring the detriment of Hamas.
Thanks to Nidal El-Khairy for his inspirational imagery that led to this sketch.
For this week's Illustration Friday topic "resolve" I remembered endless steps up to Coit Tower and pathways up to the Bamboo forest outside of Hana - daunting at first, but worthwhile in the end.
I don't usually stray into political cartoons, but I've been a little concerned lately about the "clandestine" efforts of the lame duck administration. May it all be corrected in the coming years.
This is my first go at Illustration Friday's weekly collection. Thinking about "voices," the subject for this week's challenge, i imagined the silence of the snowy Washington State mountain (where i'm spending the holidays) broken by the flutter of prayer flags whispering into the wind.